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Who We Are

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Coming together is a beginning Keeping together is progress Working together is success

Here at Cead we have worked within  the disability sector for over 15 years.  We have run numerous groups, workshops and organised trips to give people the opportunity to develop new life skills and confidence. Our goal is to get people together to socialise and develop fun way to make them feel they are valued in the community they live in.


Cead creates a network to provide a social and educational opportunity for adults with a wide range of disabilities.  Our day to day work includes helping disadvantaged people receive the support they otherwise would not have access to.  We strive to empower people to move forward and bridge the gap between disability and equality.

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Community Education for Adults with Disabilities

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Some of the best

people are the 

ones that 

don’t fit 

into boxes

About Us

They say that nothing worth doing is easy, like everyone of us, we've had our bumps along the way.  But if you ask us, we'll tell you that we wouldn't change a thing.  Why?  Because throughout our journeys we've honed our skills and proven that we can make a difference in people's lives.  So today and in the future, you can benefit from our years of experience in working within the Disability sector.

Our Vision
We are always working on something.  Most of the time it's promoting social inclusion and building self confidence.  But sometimes, it's a personal project that lets us explore new concepts and ideas for CEAD.

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